Monday, October 14, 2013

Master piece or disaster piece

A couple weeks ago i visited the art museum in downtown Chicago. I chose a piece of work that i thought was a master piece. Take note i did not like the majority of the art in the museum. But these two really stuck out to me and i was genuinely amazed.

i consider these two Master pieces. the craft and delicate nature of how it looks is amazing. their skin seems relatively smooth and the expression in their face is blank however it is not emotionless. the features of their face are so realistic and amazing. Even the texture of the hair is nicely crafted. At a further look the people crafted are beautiful.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Tekken all day

Tekken is my favorite game, im quite good at it also. The two characters here are Paul and Nina. I also made a rap song and video to this game.
here is a link to the youtube video:
so go check it out if you like Tekken, rap, or even me. Thanx in advance.

AND go

Last week we had an assignment where we had to draw a picture only in our art building. It could be anywhere in the building but no where else. We were not allowed to work on it anywhere else. I finished it in the hour and a half we had left in class. This picture got distorted in the scanner however i liked the effect so i kept it. I drew and colored this in roughly 15 minutes.  I also used it as a study on copic markers. I wanted to get the feel of how their tones worked. I learned alot from this piece and about a new medium, markers.

Exquisite Corpse

Exquisite Corpse-also known as rotating corpse, is a method by which a collection of words or images is collectively assembled. Each collaborator/artist adds to a composition in sequence, either by following a rule by being allowed to see only the end of what the previous person contributed.
In our assignment we had 8 boxes from 8 different artist. So originally i didnt touch a single imag on here. we had to take a completely foreign picture and make it match our rules. This was very challenging, however i made it fit to some degree. My next post will show what i started with and how i came to my final picture.


Imagine being lost, and its raining so hard the only thing you can see is a faint glimmer of flesh that was once your hands. Then a glaring light so clear appears. the clarity is unmistakeably a rainbow.
You are now at the beginning of the rainbow. It transports you to the unknown where you are greeted by weird eye ball creatures, dragons and space. In the corner of your eye you see the planet earth and the trail of the rainbow that consumed you. You reach up and burst through the rainbow causing another phenomenon. Then the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow commends you on coming here, as if you had a choice. It tells you this is the realm of the unnatural, where reality is crushed and the impossible is possible and the possible, the possible is simply your imagination. He welcomes you to "Section 80".